Repositioning of institutes through technology
QUIETBIRD DIGITALS is an indigenous company registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as a Digital Technology (IT) company in Nigeria with offices in Lagos,Abuja and Akure. We specialize in Digital Information Technology and all other affiliated IT operations. Our company is a one-stop digital technology with a team of professionals who are vast in smart ideas and unique creativity.We have acquired all the experience needed in the administration of software and hardware development of online applications. 4 We are committed to providing useful solution for the improvement of both public and private sector.
.....school management solution at it’s best.
This is an easy-to-use suite for school management. Unlike other automated school systems, the tools connects all the departments and functions in educational institutes. The solution is simple, secured, affordable, customizable and scalable. The portal aids to reposition your school management and administration digitally to global standard.
- To provide a robust school management solution and a digital learning solution for the school, a scale-up to global standard practice
- To train and update the schools on the use of modern educational ict devices and tools.
- To improve the schools administration by providing adequate school, students and teachers Database and resource acrhive online.
- Transperacy in the school system for proper and effective supervision by the administrtors.
- The process will enhance a functional and unified system of examination conduct and result Checking online and digital printing of results.
- To eliminate leakage of school fund due to human error and tracking of administrators
- To generate substantial revenue for the school.
- Public advert for the school on a global scale via google , etc.
Our Services
E-learning portal offers robust and up to date courses designed based on the students learning curriculum. The platform offers the ability to share materials in all kinds of formats such as videos, sideshows, word documents, PDFs etc. Conducting webinars (live online classes) and communicating with teachers via chat and message forums is also possible and utilized on the platform. In respose to covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria, Our elearning module is a very important part of digital education and also a yardstick to improve both students and teachers in the school to be ICT inclined.
Easy payment collection and reconciliations Invoicing and online/offline payment access for students. Easy and comprehensive financial information for school administrators student result serial numbers student payment reciept for the session student process for Identification cards Any student oweing is enlisted on the debtors list on the portal. Principals or schools admin at a click can decline a parent access to students/ward result online.
All student and teachers are digitally captured on the school data base. This enables the solution to generate the student and staff unique identification number. All students and teachers after capturing would be able to login to the portal to perform different functions and tools on the solution. Some of which are, E-learning, E-result configuration etc
Call To Action
It is a school management based solution where all Students and Teachers in the school are digitally captured online.
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+234 808 140 3468
+234 810 427 1421